UGT Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download

Duty Description

Mass communication is the process of imparting and exchanging information through mass media to large segments of the population. It is usually understood for relating to various forms of media, as these technologies are used for the dissemination of information, of which journalism and advertising are part. According to preliminary data from the International Data Corporation Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, smartphone vendors shipped a total of 385.9 million devices during the quarter. While the full year 2020 declined 5.9% compared to 2019, the progress toward market recovery has been impressive and IDC believes the momentum heading.

- Sustains $425M wpn sys enclaves; enables data fusion & analysis, provides C4ISR ISO multi-int capes for 3 CCMDs

- Provides tech spt to 4 Sqs/650 combined prsnl; mediates client sys software/hardware outages/repair ticket resolutions

- Mng 7-mbr IT proj tm; orchestrates framework, config, & integration conformity among 363 ISRW's $35M network
- Configuration Data Manager; collects critical information for mission sys in a globally focused Wing across 15 states
- Point for cutting-edge cyber sys research, evaluates efficiency/interoperability for emerging intelligence requirements
- Leads 17-mbr Flt; directs $30M Special Purpose Processing Node ops underpinning DoD's sole climate services msn

- Implements robust security policies across Integrated Network Ops & Security Center (INOSC) East enterprise

- Provides firewall management of a $679M network supporting six MAJCOMs/64 locations/462K warfighters

- Provides response to real-time network security alerts and applies countermeasure implementation processes

Performance Assessment

- Revitalized crit PERSCO SIPR sys; configured four JAVA software controls spt'd USAFE 4K PAX/1.5K tns mvmt

- Mg'd 3 acct inventories; validated 234 items/$2M IT sys--enabled 310 airlisft msns/123K prsnl/9K short tons cargo
- Cleared acft radar outage; guided 3 techs/liaised w/HHQs--restor'd Persian Gulf air vis<30 mins/1.7K sorties/417 tgts
- Pwr'd JET IA msns; mng'd base data cntr/18 servers/14 ckts--fueled AFCENT's busiest APOD/sustained $31M ntwk
- Steered CFP ops; overhauled 456 walk-ins/resolved 58 tickets--premiered AMAB 24/7 C4 spt f/664 coalition/jt prsnl
- Aced coalition strike pkg; upgraded secure ATO reporting sys--sealed 450 air refueling ops/ 76 acft/ crushed 114 tgts
- Audited 60 time-sensitive CTOs; directed 3 cyber ctrs/deployed 1.2K security updates--thwarted 15.4K cyber threats

- Administrated ITEC accounts; identified/validated 74 pcs srvr equip <1 wk--100% accountability f/$21M ntwk assets

- Installed 3K ft cable/emergency repaired LMR antenna IAW FAA regs--enabled instant crisis coord f/$2.2B in assets

- Sole Radio Frequency Amn; Spearhead'd PWCS acct worth $1.1M--suppt d crucial C2 across region f/378 personnel
- Superior Technician; assist'd in resolving 380+ network trouble tickets--mitigated degradation to mission capabilities
- Point for $78K ITEC account/46 devices; provided mobile C2 capes-- ensured 100% accountability f/378 prsnl/8 FOBs
- Solely revamped comms storage; render'd DRMO of 85 inop assets @ $55K--savng potential loss/compromise of PII
- Tackled $82K tech refresh; purchased 3k new assets/DLA'd 50 obsolete items-adv'd C4 capes for OTH engineer force
- Exemplified attention to detail; rcvd 100% inventory inspection/833 items-- ensured accurate tracking f/$411K assets
- Devot'd AMN; chng'd over 16 cell phones, 24 pucks to new provider--increased reliability; sav'd $15K during 3rd qtr
- Briefed 170+prsnl during RSOI; translated/appli'd CPI principles--enhanced sqdrn info security awareness/procedure

- Interim 1st Sgt; advised 2 Sq CCs w/Art 15/discharge/hardship actions--cornerstone f/good order/discipline f/162 mbrs
- Dir'd HHQ AD scrub; validated 32 sq ntwk admins/guided deletion f/3.5K accts--crush'd 690th TASKORD 1 mo early
- Wg lead f/AMC C4 overhaul; led 2 tms/updated 4K accts/sec groups--fortified ntwk hygiene/pwr'd AMC's #1 cyber pri

- Created new PWCS accountability - 100+ phones, pucks, comm equipment accounted for -- 100% compliance cert'd
- Changed 16 cell phones, 24 pucks to new provider - coordinated transfer -- increased reliability; saved $15K dur qtr 3
- Closed 300+ trouble tickets; enabled users to keep working with minimal downtime-mitigated degradation to mission
- Provided Communication RSOI brief-expertly tnd 170+ incoming deployers-enabled 100% deployer training success
- Spearheaded PWCS acct @ $1.1M; equipped 14 sites w/100 essential radios/cell phones/Wi-Fi-- 0 critical ops delays
- Point for $78K ITEC acct/46 devices; provided mobile C2 capes--ensured 100% accountability/494 prsnl/151 SITREPS
- Energized client sys ops! Reinforced 4 mbr tm; resolved 384 trouble tickets--galvanized 378 users across 14 proj sites
- Tackled $82K tech refresh; purchased 2.3k new assets/DLA'd 50 obsolete items-adv'd C4 capes f/OTH engineer force

- Dep 127/ day iso EDI; set-up Europe's 1st COCO RPA site -provided initial comms for 71 users/spt'd $256M 5 yr pln
- Fielded CBCS first Airbus tac sat sys; corrected tech mnl omission--primed 23 total force units for use/zero msn loss
- Expertly troubleshot GMT outage; ID'd/replaced faulty cabling--restored UVDS connection for 35 sorties/560 flt hrs
- Established FMV link; liased btwn 4 contracting agencies--secured EUCOM's #2/3 priorities/coined by 52nd Wg/CC
- Implemented cross-trng pln; trn'd 4 techs on 17 tasks across 2 AFSCs-blazed path for 3D career field merge/sq MQT
- Trn'd prsnl non-std msn set; codified FDMA set-up--qual'd 4 on 14 tasks/aided USAFE's lrgst effort since Cold War

- Filled in Section Chief pos/led 17 pers sect; ensured personnel eq readiness--100% DOMOPS/OCP uniform canvas
- Obtained and modified >127 frequencies; vigorous spectrum mgmt--critical to 450 successful MQ-9 Reaper sorties
- Spearheaded PWCS acct worth $2.3M; equipped 22 units w/ 850 essential radios--zero delays to critical ops & trng
- Source, install and maintain 90 G-A radio systems; upgrade to 30-512MHz--ensured excellent C2 for all Wing units
- Facilitated upgrade of ARC-210 antennas for FTU; improved GCS/JTAC comms--enabled >130 aircrew graduation
- Led AIM to DPAS PWCS conversion; ensured 42 unit mgrs received trng per updated AFIs--100% ANG compliance
- Managed SAD shift deployment; assisted NYS Police w/ DOMOPs event--ensured safe traffic flow during blizzards
- Key to installation's INWS upgrade; controlled 38-bldg integration and test phases--improve wing disaster response

- Earned IT BS; coded 2.5K lines configuring $155K ntwk eqpmt--beat 40 hrs contract estimate by 34/saved Sq $6.4K
- Built TDY media exchg ntwk; cut 16 hr editing process 3 hrs--spted AF 1st AC10 VR vid/boosted trng f/60 pilots yrly
- Drove Sq file plan security; rebuilt 17K records/audited 51 users' rights IAW PII policy--eliminated 15 insider threats
- Dir'd 4-man tm; set up Sq WiFi--enabled in-house Ipad updates saving 154 man-hrs yrly/dlvr'd content f/24 stud class
- Guided event committee; org'd cookout w/4 activities/prize drawings--revived sense of community f/70 Amn families
- Drove 10-mbr AFGSC ex tm; oversaw 27 AT/FPCON actions--ensured week-long security posturing f/269 bldg prsnl
- Fixed sq NIPR outage; tm'd w/7 BW to restore svc f/240 PCs--1 out of 72 users impacted/enabled Wg/CC class success
- Led 3-mbr facility revamp tm; boosted speed f/80 PCs 30% w/Wg assets--improved QOL f/1.9K pupils/saved Sq $16K
- Oversaw $12K VTC suite install; enabled distance learning trn'g f/300 stud's--reduced yearly ACC TDY costs $20K
- Mng'd over 300 item IT inventory; led tech refresh f/38 systems--saved Sq $27K & boosted trn'g facility capacity 18%
- Overhauled Security prgm; ID'd 2 incidents/dir'd 3-agency SIPR ops move--mitigated future classified handling issues
- Headed $170K ACC spt f/mobile video tm; dply'd ntwk spt'g acft crash doc--delivered key trn'g f/180 AFSEC studs/yr
- Led Sq's 3-mbr DLA tm; mng'd $382K account/verified 807 controlled items--re-homed 445 pieces/$95K w/DoD orgs
- Led 15-mbr AFSA tm; dir'd 110 vol hrs/cleaned 550 art displays--honored women AF pilots/hosted 350 AF & civic ldrs
- Mastered advanced tm dynamic ldrshp crs; applied trn'g to SOP development--cut 4-hr acct approval process to 20 min
- Sq NCOOTQ! Dir'd Sq $156K ntwk overhaul; supt'd 2-wk/5-man tm install proj--estab'd AF 1st official 360 video cape
- Steered Sq data mgmt; created virtual database f/240 studs/yr--elim'd paper-based process/svd 340 man-hrs/yr
- Saved dply'd Wg mx trn'g initiative; ID'd/resolved multi eqpmt/ntwk issues--averted msn fail f/15 mbr production tm

- Mng'd 5th Gen intel proj; oversaw $750K IT refresh--enabled global adversary wpns monitoring/supported 4K users
- Revamped Configuration Management prgm; devised Wg policy/guidelines--provid'd foundation for ISR architecture
- Plann'd facility for airborne crypto trng; managed $200K equip--ensur'd comm for msn/trng to SOF air/ground forces
- Influenced prod of inter/adv tgt dev; led $450K secure comm proj--equip'd to create 3K tgt graphs/500 3D ref models
- Actioned 18K cyber controls; secured global msn on 2 nets--'excellent' HAF SAV/vital to 12 AF Verne Orr Awd '19
- Marshall'd $500K SCIF build; sync'd GSA PM/vendor/SFS, jumped Fed bldg & fund hurdles--sped toward IC-spt IO
- Guided USAFWC FMV upgrade; oversaw $450K Live Fly proj--enabl'd 4K weaponeering solution for Red Flag pers
- Drove 10-tm for ISR Grp ops MILCON; fin design plan for $10M comm fit-out--boosted jt coalition intel cyber msn
- Orchestrated Wg Ann Awds Ceremony; led 3-mbr team/set-up/MC/PD--honored 21 champs Yr'18/coined by Wg CC
- Wg SAPR/Suicide Aware Implementor; amassed 200 mbr buy-in--fortifi' d SECAF
- Dir'd 24-hr cyber response to 7 orgs; sustain'd $35M ISR network--key to dev of 15K prod/yr to 65K coalition troops
- Oversaw 7-mbr sharepoint tm; dev'd/implemented suite--pivotal to 14 WS win of AFOUA/2 WXG Sq Y'18--coined by CCM
- Outstanding SNCO; Top III/AFSA mbr, possesses solid-gold professionalism & ldrship--promote to SMSgt quickly!

- Selected f/Exec Comm; aid'd 4-mbr tm/resolved 690 hi pri tix f/109 Sr ldrs..earned 4 LOAs/Flt Sep '18 TOM/coined
- Primed Capstone War Gaming conf; deployed 170 sys/1K ft cable..rdy'd 20-yr nat'l def strategy/multi-net integration
- Config'd 27 sys/2 domains for NAT; enabled 3 crs's/90 mbrs..enriched $336K prgm/5 Gps/18 msns/51K IC rpts yrly
- Mng'd $235K mobile IT assets; maintained 130 mobile devices..diversified 24/7 secure reach-back capes/109 IC mbrs
- ID'd/replaced Civ Recruiting laptops w/ modified iPads; 75 scouts/30 conf accessed special briefs/demo onsite..45 hired
- Aided Cntr's COOP IT pln; relocated 3 nets/24 sys/450 ft cable..penned 3 SOPs f/25 Sr ldrs/enabled emer C4I ops site

- Mentored 28 SCO prsnl; provided OJT/eliminated 1K stale user/computer/printer/rogue objects--coined by AEW/CC
- Masterminded Wg phishing exercise; created email attack/usr tracking scripts--cultivated cyber awareness f/2.6 prsnl
- Engineered NAS fault sensors; track/rpt to CFP/NOC <1 min h/w errors--ensured real-time alerts/saved 336 man-hrs
- Dev'd automated STIG scanning process; reduced from 30 to 2 min f/2K sys--saved 92K man-hrs/adopted by 2 bases
- Overaw 7-mbr vuln mgmt tm; install'd/validat'd 700 upgrades/166 CTOs f/2 ntwk enclaves--coined by 251 CEIG/CC
- Discovered SCCM shortfall; coord'd 1.5K policy updates w/ACCC--resolved s/w vulns f/AFCENT AOR/won AotM
- Taught OPSEC crs; dev'd cyber-exploitation curriculum f/EMSG/ID'd common vulns--bolstered awareness/938 users
- Automation expert! Created script f/316 SIPR clients/scrs--enhanced sec/assured 11K sorties/coined by AFCENT A6
- Led 8-Amn Cyber Ops team; admin'd 240 svr's/resolved 224 TTs/1.5K GPOs/166 CTOs--actualized CR365 program
- ID'd SCCM server shortfall; installed new client certs f/2268 sys--resolv'd s/w patching errors/hardened $178M ntwk
- Piloted shared drive monitoring scripts; mng'd real-time NAS errors--reduced response time by 90% for critical alerts
- Coord'd phishing exercise; deployed backend 'virus'/usr tracking scripts--provided cyber awareness trng to 1.3K prsnl
- Initiated 'Cyber Optics' proj; removed 1.3K obj/188 rogue dvc's/450GB shared drive space reclaimed--optimized AD
- Executed ACAS/HBSS; mitigated 249K crit sec vulns/CCRI rdy--assured C2 f/11K sorties/208K pax/69K tons cargo
- Maintained CAFNet domain sys; complet'd 24 mx actions/99% uptime rate--increas'd morale/welfare f/4.7K jt forces
- Spearheaded AFCENT COOP proj tm; prep'd $140K off-site stor/15TB avail--ensured 100% AEW FMC/1st in AOR
- Supervised 7-mbr exercise tm; verified email attack/usr tracking script--provid'd Cyber Awareness trng to 2.6K users
- Repair'd LRS RFID sys; restor'd ntwk f/89 devices--ensur'd auto tracking/208K pax/9K tons cargo/CENTCOM AOR
- Directed DHCP failover fix; ID'd svr fault/rebuilt link/restor'd NIPR access <1 hr--TTPs adopt'd by AFCENT/ACCC
- Gp OPSEC coordinator; facilitated global chg request w/Google/protected 6 key facilities--safeguarded 4.7K jt forces
- Oversaw SCCM shortfall resl'n; coord'd 1.5K GPO updates f/2.2K sys w/ACCC--resolved s/w vuln f/AFCENT AOR
- Develop'd OPSEC cyber-exploitation crs; ID'd common vulns/social media/E-mail--heighten'd awareness f/938 prsnl
- Energized Cyber Optics efforts; sanitized 400 users/237 PCs/239 prntrs--reduced Wg vulns 15%/coined by AEW/CC
- Coord'd AFCENT COOP proj spt tm; prep'd $140K off-site storage/15TB avail--ensur'd 99% AEW FMC/1st in AOR
- Executed VM plan; troubleshot/installed >10K upgrades f/2.1K systems--protected 2 ntwk enclaves ISO OIR C4I req
- Administrated ITEC accounts; identified/validated 74 pcs srvr equip <1 wk--100% accountability f/$21M ntwk assets
- Certified HBSS Admin; deployed 81 rogue sys detectors and HBSS framework f/100 hosts--elim'd 60K vulns <2 wks
- Led 3 person cyber defense tm; fulfilled 24 CTOs f/1680 clients/enhanced patch cvge to 98%--hardened $178M ntwk
- Eradicated NIPR/SIPR deficiencies; troubleshot 116 issues <24-hr goal--minimized msn impact/mx'd sys 99% uptime
- Performed ASAB data backup proj; spt'd $140K srvr assets install/xfer'd 15 TB data--preserved C4I msn sys integrity
- Revamped SCOO continuity prog; created/updated 82 SCOO SOPs--ensured accuracy/efficiency f/future warfighters
- Mentored NCC tm; trn'd 6 on ARS/ACAS suite/rem'd 450 bad AD user/pc's--actualiz'd CR 365 prog f/ASAB/AMAB

- Formalized ACAS mgmt svr; scanned/mitigated 350K applications/sys-- reduc'd vulnerabilities via automated sweep
- Designed 630 network sniffing payloads; ID'd/corrected 4 Tb of data/vulns--recvd 'Outstanding' by NSA inspectors
- Led 1709 in-place deployment; revamped OS config f/8K sys/200 sites--assured compliance with MS life-cycle date
- Helmed MBAM proj; established Pin/password rec/BitLocker Encryption--denied use of intrusion tools f/7k WH sys
- Drove Win 10 STIGs; linked 520 policies f/4 domains/1.2K srv/10K sys--abated 52K threats/secured $60M enclave
- Championed SCCM dev node; authored segment control set/reused $240K in eqpmnt--eliminated s/w dplymnt errors
- Initiated decommissioning 40 legacy svrs; re-purposed $80K equip/axed 65 mx-hrs--stymied malicious cyber attacks
- Oversaw App-V/Remote App implementation; mobilized 33 prgms f/virtual hosting--reduced license costs $300K/yr

- Completed 80-hr MCSA crs/associate level Win 10 pgrm; enhanced sys admin skills--inspired 9x jt svc mbrs to enroll
- Org'd supply drive w/JC Parks elem; collected 4K items/$3K in school assets--provided materials f/715 local youths
- Chairmaned 9-mbr adv schema cell; executed 334 user defense strategies--protected $60M national sec infrastructure
- Coord'd w/HHQ remedied SHB issue/revised OS development plcy f/7K sys--lauded by DISA as example DoD wide
- NCOA DG! Dominated condensed five week trn'g sched; academic ace among 184 students--outstanding 98.6 GPA

- Responded to AFMC/A6 outage; diagnosed issue/restored connectivity f/13 sys--enhanced msn critical capes f/GCCS

- Led Gp-wide Win10 SDC roll-out 4 mbr tm; 310 SIPR sys deployed < 1 mo--1st base in PACAF to meet VCSAF #1 pri

- Patched 17 systems; closed 210 critical vulns--secured DoD's authoritative climate DB/enabled 909 tailored products
- Finished Win 10 upgrade; expedited 89 CERP system installs/saved 208 hrs--beat SAF/CIO SDC suspense by 7 mos
- Purged unauthorized s/w; scanned/cleaned 81 sys/57.5K vulns--enforced Cyber Security..557 WW/CC's #1 priority!
- Accomplished 12 QA evals; ensured tech's skills/ntwk stewardship exceed ACC's stds--closed QAR IGEMS write-up
- Mang'd Sq trng/63 prsnl; monitored readiness/TBA/IMDS trng, completed 2 unit SAVs--closed trng IGEMS write-up
- Upgraded ntwk closet; replaced punch block with modular jack technology--assured 120 connections for 63 persons
- Modernized virtual environment; on-boarded $810K IT refresh--garnered reliable/secure capability for next 6 years
- Remedied ballooning ACAS scores; coordinat'd the automated remote patching 2X's--excellent CCRI readiness score
- Aced 85-hr SEJPME I & II ; enriched ldership abilities/jnt ops knowledge--postured for coalition forces manager role
- Managed 17-Amn SCT; planned 8 details covering 3 states/mentored 4K--embodied AF values/honored families/vetsv
- Exceeded SecDef trng priority; drove multi-agency coord/instituted aggressive time-line--2018 1st Qtr Wg small tm
- BNR for Blue Flag'18 exer; Led 10-Amn, supported joint force/multinational event--hardned National df/coal partner

- Provides customer spt & processes cyber reqs; secures 7 ntwks providing connectivity to 65K jt & coalition fighters
- Accomplishes daily mx/config updates on 1.9K devices; enables on-demand target reachback for 7 CCMDs/12 AOCs
- Drives 24-hr admin spt to 517 mbrs/7 units; sustains global access to 136K graphics & enables C2 to Wg's 1.5k prnsl
- Manages TT sys for Wg's $15M JBLE enterprise; facilitates creation & delivery of 8 intel prods/yr to global troops

- Drove Gp re-org; directed 6 mbrs/80 hrs/set-up 37 desk/113 sys--powered 4 sqs/HVT ops w/ 172 precision aimpoints
- Org'd Win 10 proj; utilized automated upgrade process f/ 272 sys--saved 544 man-hrs/bested DoD mandate by 3 wks
- Rectified crit ntwk outage; improvised/built 150-ft fiber run to restore connectivity--7 AGP prods created/suspense met
- Doubled Wg TS VTC capes; coord'd install/config w/ 2 orgs--established redundancy f/ C2 to 3.2K Total Force Amn
- Resolved new requirements 1-yr backlog; established dedicated spt tm--increased msn capes w/ 29 installs in < 3-wks
- Bolstered sys capacity; coord'd w/ 2 orgs to add 17 sys/boost IP space 300%--poised f/ Wg influx/tm lauded by Wg/CVK

- Ntwk Operations/11-mbr tm supporting 363 ISRW's $9.5M enterprise; fortifies C2 capes to 1.5K intel global warriors
- Directs 24-hr cyber response to 517 prsnl/7 orgs; key to creation & delivery of 15K prods/yr to 65K coalition troops
- Performs mx/config updates on 160 servers/5 ntwks; links AF's primary reachback target node to 7 CCMDs/12 AOCs
- Manages AF master Geospatial Product Library hosting 24K prods/371 TBs; provides msn planning ISR to 870 units

- Modernized AF targeting trng ctr; config'd 25 sys w/3D imagery capes--readied 41 mbrs/8 crses, cinched 7 msn evals
- Engineered AF IC tech sol; dev'd automated script, updated 2.6K PCs--averted msn stoppage/6 units/saved 1.3K hrs
- Overhauled Sq incident mgt process; cut 6 steps/guided 5 sections--drove closure rate 8 hrs to 1-hr, elim'd 1.6K hrs/yr
- Rectified 2 bldg A/C outages; mitigated $2M equip loss/5 ntwks--preserved 6 ISR orgs msn/C2 to 3.2K total force Amn
- Resolved 46K updates/patches; safeguarded 1.1K ISR sys--produced 1.8K weapon sol & 59 combat damage reports
- Upgraded $1.4M ntwk; config'd 11 sys/bolstered overhead intel msn--vital to hurricane relief/damage rpt'g/11K prsnl

- Serves as the Senior Information technology Specialist; plan, coordinate, and oversees maintenance on $9.5M ISR ntwk
- Analyzes processes/procedures of unusual issues & challenges relating to the complexity of 1.1K client sys & 160 svrs
- Provides guidance to 45 cyber personal on optimizing the functionalities/integrity of all hardware/software sys functions
- Deliver Wg Command and Control IT support to 34 organizations, 1.4K personal, 7 Combatant Commands & 12 AOCs

- Boosted Sq morale; hand-crafted 11 'Going Away' Clocks & led 36 'unity' gatherings--amped 45 Amn/fixed 670 tckts
- Led Wg's 'Hurricane Flo' Recon tm; dir'd 27 Amn on facility/sys prep/recovery--Sq lauded 3x/restored 1.2K sys <48 hrs
- Managed $900K budget; delivered multi-AOR classified transfer capability--saved $380K w/no cost solution <3 weeks
- Extended CENTRIXS-K capes; coord'd w/PACOM/added 7 devices--linked 5 units to ROK msns & 27K ISR products
- Sped 1st secure cloud effort; secured 3-day/$29K crs/20 mbrs/saved $15K TDY cost--key/NCO coined 2x..Lt Gen/CCC
- Improved task mgmt; guided 5 mbrs on best solution--designed 1 site for Gp Staff & 24 POCs..cut 87 emails/2K replies

- Leads 4 Amn/1 civ to defend 1.5K personnel/$15M weapon sys; provides msn owners with risk-based decision-making
- Directs functional msn analysis to identify/resolve key cyber terrain/risks/threats to 363 ISRW C2 & targeting process
- Collaborates with base's MDTs and 3 cyber orgs to develop lines of communication and refine C2 of cyber defense msn
- Develops tactics, techniques, and procedures as MDT Pathfinder for AF Chief Info Officer & ACC Cyber Sq Initiative

- Led Wg's cloud migration; assured 60 TB data, briefed COMACC--1st-ever AF secure Amazon cloud/Lt Gen coined!
- Mng'd JWICS sys analysis; assessed 3 ntwks/solved err/fixed AF-wide--assured 870 orgs/fused ISR w/2K cmbt sorties
- Innovated IT tracker; led 12 techs/895 msn sys accounted <20 mins--Wg's 1st proactive remedy tool/cut 2.8K hrs/yr
- Directed target msn sys patching; led tm to develop cyber compliance script--remediated 184 sys/11.9K risks <48 hrs
- Procured 3-day/$29K Web Sys Ops course; trained 20 mbrs/$15K TDY cost saved--sped DNI's next-gen cloud vision
- Delivered JSOC ntwk capes; researched/dev'd remote access process <8 hrs--linked Wg leaders to USSOCOM msns

- Assisted crypto inventory; protect'd 9.6K COMSEC items--bolster'd secure capes for 3 continents/9 COCOMs

- Spt'd $90M SACEUR plane retrofit; coord'd transfer 5 pieces equipment; enabled C3 ops for MAJCOM alliance

- Trained 2 Amn/1 NCO; authenticated 60 privileged accts--bridged admin users f/NATO/MAJCOM Ex
- Actively sought out trng on unit SAVs; inspected 2 units/created unit tracker--resolved major Sq MICT writeup
- Led short-notice hard drive requests; troubleshot 5 waivers/330 computer sys--reduced loss of PII f/JA
- Headed COMPUSEC prgm; instructed 47 cybersecurity liaisons 22 IA processes--armored ntwk capes f/32 units

- Filled in Section Chief pos/led 12 pers sect; accelerated rekey of COMSEC sys--repaired crypto capes f/MAJCOM
- Restored Wg CC s NATO classified sys; issued no-notice crypto key--eliminated crit NATO ntwk error
- Work center Supervisor; qualified 2 NCOs/3 Amn on 36 core tasks--4 pers granted 5/7 lvl UGT completion
- Instructed 26 overdue CROs; mitigated 33 Wg COMSEC sec incidents--avoided base-wide SIPR ntwk outage

-Tech refreshed XX sys/stored 65 monitors/$6.5K; re-org'd storage rm--replaced outdated technology/sav'd AF $X.XM

-Remedied Sqd deployment stoppage; fixed 15 PCs f/ units readiness trning--aided in 100+ deployers

-Comm support f/ Sqd; ID'd 65 IT assets valued at $XXK/config'd 25 new PCs--supt'd Asia AOR aerial port msn

-Stood in as NCOIC/TSgt role; supervised 1 Amn/processed 30 emails/troubleshot 24 tkts--passed RAM bld inspection

UGT Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download

-Completed XX hrs tng; finish'd Cyber Security Investigation & Cyber Risk Mgmt crse--renewed career field reqmnt

- Abated 689 SIPR devices/1.6K user accts; thwarted 2.7K threat vectors--boosted compliance from 30 to 100%

- Accomplished 40-hr Microsoft Exchange '03 course; enhanced skills guaranteed efficient mgt of three networks

- Accomplished E-Tools install; provided fltline digital TOs--streamlined aircraft mx for wg's $1.2B F-16 fleet

- Administered vulnerability maintenance; scanned 118 objs/2 enclaves for insecurities--reduced threat by 80%

- Advanced office continuity guide; translated & applied advanced CPI principles--enhanced operational capabilities

- Aggressive element training manager; developed CDC study tool--groomed 9 for final tests; eliminated failures

- Aided in development of AF-wide medical database--simplified records mgt, saved 12K man-hours yearly

- Aided restoral of ITN/17 bldg outages; reconnected power/replaced UPSs--critical msn systs operational <1hr

- Alerted sys admins of critical vuln; removed 65 Chrome instances--slashed ntwk cyber risk from 11.7 to 0.6%

- Assisted SIPRNet boundary upgrade; programmed/linked base external router--boosted regional C4I capability

- Attacked Wg/CC BlackBerry sync issues; troubleshot/repaired--established access e-mail schedule in 45 min

- Attained Checkpoint CCSA and CCSE Certs; surpassed DoD 8570.01-M requirements--raised standard for squadron

- Attended 8 AF EMS trng; enhanced mngmnt/leadership abilities--fused acquired knowledge into sq processes

- Attended advanced SIP training; prepped Ft Gordon tm for ntwk upgrade proj--enhanced AFCENT C4ISR msn

- Audited 47 user grps; resolved 150+ inactive accts--alleviated migration conflicts; 4.5K users migrated AFNet

- Authored new PWCS acct mgmt trng; ensured 42 unit mgrs received trng per updated AFIs--100% compliance

- Authored trouble ticket routing matrix; assigned >900 tickets to 10 cyber w/c's--routing errors reduced by 80%

- Authored Wi-Fi rqmt process; developed tech solutions/cleared 8-mon backlog--ignited AFRC & AGE's $160K projs

- Averted database corruption; validated 16K telephony system entries and cut 200 duplicates--saved 80 man hrs

- Base C2 NAOC liaison; test'd/pgm'd 23 alarms/11 circuits/75 LMRs--secured $1.5B asset/POTUS G7 summit

- Blitzed NSA-HI network expansion proj; laid 43K ft cable--allowed 45 analyst access 2 wks AoS/saved $38K

- Boosted NORAD air alert system; modified network boundary--expanded western defense sector sight picture

- Built 3 OIR C4ISR networks; deployed 8 modem configs/airborne links for anti-ISIS ops--enabled 432 CSAR sorties

- Changed 118 cell phones to new provider; investigated/coord'd transfer--increased reliability; saved $4.5K/yr

- Classified courier for 10 off-site transfers; coord'd transfer of 3TB media--critical to network contingency plan

- Closed 500 trouble tickets; enabled users to keep working w/minimal downtime--mitigated degradation to msn

- Collaborated w/NSA; solved design issues & revised 867 work spaces--cut 4 wks from schedule, saved $37K

- Coordinated alt routes and assisted in managing ASI calendar--enabled mission to maintain critical circuit connection

- Community servant; key contributor in preparing 110 PCs for local school district; pivotal to $1OOK donation

- Completed $7.6M NIPR NGFW upgrade; coord'd w/HHQ/PMO/wg agencies--enabled AFNet forensic analysis capes

- Completed LOCE Systems Admin course w/98% avg; honed ability to maintain Al Udeid's Coalition network

- Completed RBAC proj; deleted 45 inactive/obsolete security groups--reduced cyber risks during 2-mo effort

- Completed Wing NIPRNet enclave RMF registration; answered 462 security controls--ensured network integrity

- Config'd 35 MXS E-tools cabinets; fixed critical uplinks hosting 96 sys--restored mx spt to 200 users/28 A/C

- Configur'd blue force tracking dev; enabl'd GPS for friendly forces--rais'd visibility of tactical pers during ops

- Configured Andrews personnel database; hardened record repository--ensured identifiable information security

- Configured two PCs for AWACS LNO--connected Ops Center w/OEF International forces--promote to TSgt!

- Configured/installed 3 add'l computers for radio frequency mgt--exponentially increased monitoring capability

- Construct'd tactical vid sol; enhanc'd Joint Ops Center full motion video cape--increas'd intel/surveillance S/A

- Coor'd $80K DISA security pgm; config'd 311 switches/15K+ ports/access servers--elim'd unauthorized entry

- Coordinat'd distro of equip; ensur'd delivery of C2 assets to 4 sites--commission'd repair of 4 degraded SDN's

- Corrected ACC authentication services; repaired network hardware--restored support for 12 bases/2K aircraft


- Corrected Beale's 2d Generation Wireless system; configured devices--ensured Global Hawk ISR msn success

- Corrected Predator system outage; enabled drone communications--ensured Whiteman ISR mission capabilities

- Created Autonomic Logistics Info System link; employed IT backbone--facilitated F-35 mx data accessibility

- Created squadron eval tracking system; 50 reports processed--100% action success/optimized accountability

- Degaussed and destroyed 300 classified hard drives; prevented sensitive, war-related information compromise

- Delivered secure comm capes; installed 10GB pipeline--empowered intel data sharing with JTF war-time msn

- Deployed in support of jt contingency/121 days; maintained 500 sys/930 Sailors--ensured 24/7 IT availability

- Detail oriented; diagnosed corrosion control program deficiencies--restructured program to meet AF standards

- Developed 220 GCTS stdnt tracking rstr; 330 psnl/23 AFSCs/10 MAJCOMS--decreased inprocessing by 25%

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- Devlp'd DSN to VoIP soln/600 phones; set Wg f/$2.7M upgd--svd $720K/won DISA-PAC '15 End Ofc OTY

- Devoted NCO; effectively imaged and configured over 100+ computer systems--flawless 301st Comm Sq IT upgrade

- Diagnosed 5 BW Secure VTC outage; corrected faulty CRYPTO settings--restored 5 BW/CC AFGSC vid link

- Diagnosed CP DMS system outage; isolated/corrected configuration fault--restored crucial C2 mission asset

- Diagnosed long-term secure communications error; replaced faulty CRYPTO equip--regained SIPR/STE ops

- Dir'd $52K IDRC reno; led 5 tms/surveyed site/secured LOMs--fortifi'd Wg DEPORD proc..Gp '15 Sq OTY

- Dir'd 21-mbr C&A prep team; 9-mo effort validated 216 ctrls--best prep in Sq history/gained 2 enclaves' ATO

Toshiba laptops uk. - Dir'd CM section/$1.2M ntwk; baselined 103 apps/incr'd data 200%--deployed 16 climate apps for 9 CCMDs

- Dir'd IT audit sys employment; replaced 2 outdated sys--repurposed $80K to desperately-needed ntwk switch

- Direct'd VoIP Call Mgr restoral; overhaul'd $1M UCS/VM svr/fix'd 1-mo anomaly--vital to '15 MSG Sq OTY

- Directed 8 prsnl thru Iraq AOC C2 outage; reconfigured equipment--restored comm/air/missile defense posture

- Directed Al Jaber AB comm install; provided 2K prsnl C4 access--increased AOR A-10/F-16 presence 10%

- Directed five mbr CST team; maintained 350 systems/320 accounts/three ntwks--ensured 100% IA compliance

- Directed MAJCOM SPAM filter re-cfg; axed 744K malicious files--blocked hacker EPs/secured $168M ntwk

- Discovered WX server failure; re-established firewall connection for 379th Expeditionary Operations Spt Sq

- Drove $7M CAIRS upgd; led 18 installs/automated trunk/toll billing--svd 53 Sqs 2K hours/yr..1st in PACAF

- Drove 1st MAW relocation; org'd 4-Amn tm/install'd 52 devs--arm'd 2 fwd dplyd Dets/7.5K prsnl/34 acft/$4B

- Drove 25 AF/CC #1 project; installed 600 AFCEC PM

- Laser focus on upgrade trng! Garnered 86% on 5-level CDCs; earned 26 sem hrs on CCAF degree w/4.0 GPA

- Launched PACAF's 1st UCCX solution; digitized 19-mbr call ctr--amp'd capes f/4 svcs/32 bases/1.1M calls/yr

- Lead tech on $2M comm center modernization; installed 43 equip racks--allowed vital C4ISR across 3 AORs

- Leads by example; tackled crew position training requirements; #1 of 22 administrators to achieve certification

- Led $1.5M Alt C2 fac proj; built phased tech sol/svd $1.4M--estab'd cmd 1st resilient ntwk path for 22K prsnl

- Led $140K Fusion Analysis Cell proj; installed 13.5K ft fiber--expanded research capes, PACAF A2/A3 staff

- Led $2M tech refresh; upgraded 23 crit bldg nodes/extended fiber paths--boosted Luke's ntwk backbone 1 to 10 Gbps

- Led 1st-ever GSU DEE-SIPRNET migration; created 70 sys accts--kept proj ahead of DISA sched/no data loss

- Led 2 classified message incident response tms; immediate containment--eliminated network security vulnerabilities

- Led 20-mbr tel mx sect; revamped ops strategy f/8K phones/cut tkts 50%--'15 DISA-PAC DSN End Ofc OTY

- Led 23-mbr Base Contingency plan working group; ID'd 10 critical msn sys/96-hr rts--met req'd AF DRP rqmt

- Led 3-man IT equip recovery project; located 5 missing CPUs--mitigated Report of Survey/saved 80 man-hrs

- Led 4-mbr comm room renovation team; cleared 650 feet fiber-optic cabling--reinforced Cmd Post C2 systems

- Led 5 BW/CCC 'out and about' visit; installed fiber/ntwk equip/16 SIPR clients--showcased Cyber Pro's to wg

- Led classified message system's Win XP upgrade; modernized 7 systems--met 2 week suspense in only 6 days

- Led DoD SIPRNET email migration; rectified 600 errors & readied 2.6K accts--99% success for Wg/7 GSUs

- Led patch management on 49 mail relays; blocked 12 zero-day attacks--ensured integrity of 2.14B e-mails/year

- Led PWCS inventory; ID'd/reduced 53 unused cell phones; saved $54K annual fee/devices ready for AF reuse

- Led revitalization of base infrastructure; installed 7K+ ft fiber--future-proofed network w/10X previous data capacity

- Led SAN Switch install; engineered critical data link for ingest sys--equip'd IC w/ 40TB climo archive access

- Led setup of 5 MDG mass flu-vaccine exercise; built distro switch/10 laptops--100% MAFB delivery in 17hrs

- Led short-notice USAFE-AFAFRICA SiPR virtual host upgrade; migrated 45 virtual machines from old host

- Led Standardized Desktop Operating sys proj; migrated 520 PCs--abated 52K threats/secured $120M enclave

- Loaded 1K+ security patches on 26 AFNet servers--NIPR & SIPR 'Outstanding' on cyber readiness inspection

- Manag'd repair ops of faulty FOCA splice; right'd 2 FO nodes--further'd repairs of down'd WS3 security sys

- Manag'd SOCFWD-EA ntwk access process; creat'd >50 NIPR/SIPR user accounts--slashed wait time by 50%

- Managed $145K ADPE acct; inspected/inventoried 199 items valued > $145K--zero deficiencies; UCI ready

- Managed $25M Global Info Grid facility; sustained 350 DISA long-haul circuits--armored C4I voice/data cape

- Managed $340K equipment account; led 100% qrtly reviews--returned 15 items/$17K assets to AF inventory

- Managed $70K IT equip acct/122 items; turned in obsolete assets worth $3.4K--sustained 100% accountability

- Managed 132 device upgrades; Installed firmware for 37 bases--Ensured devices configured with current data

- Managed 1808 AFNET srvrs; upgraded 526 configuration settings--expanded ntwk connectivity for 18K clients

- Managed 350 CISCO IOS switch upgrades; resolved 500 violations--assured ntwk integrity/INSOC validation

- Managed 4-mbr team; constructed 70 comm boxes & 35 IT racks--enabled secure access to 3 classified WANs

- Managed 7th AF SharePoint suite installation--enhanced Air Operations Centers collaboration capability

- Managed 7th AF Video TeleConference suite install--finalized improvement plans to Staff conference room project

- Managed AFCENT tactical CFK inventory; directed 75 prsnl, 39 kits across 15 FOBs--insured vital C4 capes

- Managed DoD DNS server migration; fixed SHA-256 security vulnerability--beat SAF/CIO deadline by 6 mos

- Managed unit training program; inspected/fixed 46 training records--guaranteed personel 100% msn qualified

- Masterminded lcl vuln mgmt ops; developed lcl procedures for three UNIX-based sys--reduced vuln's to .03%

- Maximized project effort; researched/set up Dashboard web interface; smoothed incoming Wing CC transition

- Migrated base logistics readiness voice sys; installed 25 VoIP telephones--enhanced $1.4M regional cargo ops

- Migrated ext DNS; updated TCP/IP stack/externally tested--satisfied POA&M deadline six months in advance

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- Mng'd $450K Coalition C2 ntwk expansion; dir'd 3 teams/equipped 4 sites w/8 devices--enhanced JFACC ops

- Mng'd 23 prsl; sec'd 290/$14.5M C4 assets rdy--spt'd 3 jt multi-nat'l/2 jt exers/earned 1 Best small tm/3 Grp CC coins

- Mng'd 29 Wg plans from 12 agencies; completely revamped electr tracking sys..decr'd overdue plans by 26%

- Mng'd CAOC SIPR token prgm; prcs'd 4,476 line items/486 emails/174 tickets--assured ntwk access for 1.2K members

- Mng'd data cntr modernization; validated 10 C4 sys' power/HVAC from 4 wkctrs--cmplt'd $1.3M Phase-II proj rqmts

- Modernized SCCM client repair process; engineered auto-fix script & trained 368 CSAs--saved 5K man-hrs/yr

- Modernized Sq trng rm; institut'd enhanc'd data storage policy--sav'd $18K tech refresh/improved functionality

- Monitored 4.1K HQ AFSPC dashboard events; advised NCOIC on actions--responsible for closing 1.2K items

- Monitored 8 AF task list for 220 GCTS; tracked 98 taskers for AFGSC/20AF--maintained 100% on time rate

- Monitored five tactical ntwks; supported >300 users/7 countries--100% sys up-time for >10 combat missions

- Monitored four classified networks supporting 200+ users/70 countries--supported over 90,000 combat sorties

- NSI/NORI comm support team lead; maintained NIPR/SIPR LAN--vital to BW 'Excellent'/MW 'Outstanding'

- Orchestrated 24 CCSD alt-route rqmts; acquired concurrences with 3 agencies--enabled 181 ATOs/3600+ wpn strikes

- Organized 12-prsnl $280M IT proj; upgraded 3 classified sys--bolstered ntwk capability for 400 intel analysts

- Organized equip custodian acct; flawless mgt of 367 IT equipment items/$850K--inspection noted zero errors

- Organized squadron assumption of command ceremony; focus on protocol details--rais'd appreciation of mil tradition

- Overhauled ITEC acct valued $275K; created tracking sys, DRMO'd 90 obsolete items/$42K..gained 250 sq ft

- Overhauled OGAs tunnel ntwk; terminated 5K fiber optic & CAT6 connections--allowed subterranean msn ops

- Oversaw comms for surgical teams/vol'd 138 hrs; set up/deployed mobile units--coord'd reachback capability

- Oversaw enterprise voice protection ops; processed 75M calls/yr and halted 12M unauthorized access attempts

- Oversaw infrastructure line install; enabled new 10 GB file connection--10X faster thru-put max'd climo msn

- Oversaw Wing Info Prot Office; direct'd execution 43 Comm TASKORDs--cut 59K vulns/fortified $71M ntwk

- Oversees operations and maintenance of enterprise security monitoring systems & network defense equipment

- PACAF 1st/instituted CAIRS billing mgmt sys; set up 2 routers/16 accts--adv'd $7M AF proj/svd 2K man-hrs

- PACAF ICS $4.4M projo; mng'd 65 fac install--svd 28K mx hrs/$900K yr..vital to Sq's '15 Von Karman awd

- Patched 122 NIPR/12 SIPR sys terminals; installed/validated 1.5K+ security TCNOs--safeguarded $26M ntwk

- Permitted deployed units to track AOR weather patterns; aided flight scheduling; zero aircraft sorties missed

- Phenomenal! Classified Msg Incident action team mbr; sanitized 6 systems & secured data--promote SrA BTZ!

- Pilot'd VTC cable install; Install'd 3 drops--Enabl'd VTC capabilities for MSG conf room/Group CC's office

- Piloted anti-virus migration; protected 408 clients from malicious code/viruses--pushed 360 air tasking orders

- Piloted $239K WiFi project; installed 278 WAPs & infrastructure--enabled NASIC ldrs real-time intel access

- Piloted RQS IT upgrd; devised plan/dplyd 20 sys--spt d $10M CSAR eqpt/PACAF's sole AD Guardian Angel

- Premier Cyber SNCO! Led 13-mbr cyber tm/backbone of AF's only climo ctr--vital to Wg's 2015 OSWU Awd

- Prepared/mng'd 3 classrooms/$2.1M equip/supplies; 100% accountability--ensured classroom material taught

- Prepped base for SDC rollout; reprovisioned Office 2003 on network--Wing 1st in DoD to employ 2K systems

- Probed connectivity loss to pharmacy server; confirmed solution through manufacturer--limited outage to 6 hrs

- Processed 5 classified msg incidents; rapidly applied sanitization procedures; protected network weapons sys

- Processed emergency change; removed fax line from system--ensured voice line for support of downed aircraft

- Procured $400K worth of High Frequency radio equipment--restored critical Command & Control to Air Operations Center

- Procured $42K IT assets for the wg trng rm/SCOK; maintained TCNO compliant--prep'd for zero msn interrupt

- Programmed LAN mgmt svr; automated 155 switch OS updates--enhanced work center efficiency..svd 428 man-hrs

- Pulled 5 GSU's into 21st century; oversaw academics/admins/connectivity for 22 sites--mission capabilities doubled

- Purged Hickam domain; removed 527 items/quarantines--reduced ntwrk vulnerability scan assignment by 20%

- Qatari AOC comm team mbr; uploaded monthly crypto/validated C2--armed Qatar w/airspace deconfliction

- QB'd $200K Wg EOC proj; pgm'd 14 DSN devs f/30 Sr ldrs--impv'd C4I spt f/24K jt warfighters/2 OPLANS

- QB'd Sq AEF readiness; led 6 CPR/SABC life-saver crses--cut 82 deployers' prep time 20%..reinforced US cmbt ops

- Quarterbacked $1.6M AN/FMQ-22 upg; config'd 15 MAF sys--increased AFWA/NOAA/NWS data reporting

- Recognized by ACC IG as Langley ORI Superior Performance Team--1 FW overall rating of 'EXCELLENT'

- Reconfigured 479th ISR asset monitoring sys; updated hand-held settings--supported $750M weapons tracking

- Rectified SAR file trans issue; troubleshot 3 month request block--conditioned 700 users to request custom wx

- Rectified telephone outage; installed 195 VoIPs/routed 1K lines/retired remote switch--saved 260 man-hrs yrly

- Regulated Time Compliance Network Order program; tracked 15 NOTAMs; 100% compliant w/AF mandates

- Reinforc'd NIPR set-up; establish'd 2 FOCA nodes for EW mission systems--provid'd C4 for USMC EA-6 Sq

- Relocated numerous multi-channel xmtrs with zero aircraft downtime, saved $125K in lost flying hours

- Repaired 63 FS ntwk; id'd master switch mismatch/recovered backup configs--ALIS mx activities back online <2 hrs

- Repaired F-22 tactical net outage; created encrypted data link--fortified aircraft mission planning capabilities

- Repaired net link outage; allowed Joint Environmental Toolkit access--restored $21M WX system availability

- Repaired one yr outage; 48 hr config'd DHCP/swx for 18 waps--wireless access in direct support of sortie msn

- Represented AF in Joint environment--exemplary Amn demonstrated highest level of conduct and military customs

- Reprogrammed 127 Land Mobile Radios, enabled full critical support of three Presidential missions

- Researched/purchased $170K mobility supplies--enabled worldwide deployment for six TDC unit type codes

- Resolved $50K contract oversight; installed 48 strand & 36 copper ckts--rescued $200M NSA facility upgrade

- Resolved 205 IAVAs; ID'd correct mitigation & secured 332 network nodes--prevented 31K vuln's on unit IS's

- Resolved 276 trouble tckts/403 svc calls; leveraged remote access skills--improved fix rate/saved 320 hrs/wk

- Resolved 50 SIPR token issues; complyed with AFPKI/revok'd certs/enrolled card--maintained Op of sec Ops

- Resolved 520 trouble calls/2,519 IT tickets; eliminated tier-two technical spt--saved ESD helpdesk 81 man hrs

- Resolved 544 cyber orders; eliminated 271K threats for 9K SIPR/NIPR PCs--passed DoD's most stringent inspection

- Resolved 6 CMIs; sanitized 17 svrs/35k accts/halted global propagation--restored C2 & secured nat'l sec data

- Resolved base SIPRNet outage; fixed gateway crypto connectivity errors--restored wg C2 for 8K warfighters

- Resolved battlecab strike VTC outage; troubleshot/repaired connection for 3 offices--linked CFACC to battlefield CCs

- Resolved Composite Health Care Sys latency; optimized rule set--restored providers access to 1K med records

- Resolved Financial Mgmt ntwk outage; repaired seven quarantined PCs--restored EoY funds execution/$7.8M

- Responded to LeaveWeb outage; corrected firewall configs--restored core capability for 6.8K Shaw AFB usrs

- Restored ACS ntwk access; replaced defective fiber-cable/improved 3-yr latency issue--key to 268 student graduation

- Restored Air Operation Center computers during exercise KEY RESOLVE '09--saved $30K in repairs, rescued operations

- Restored MILSTAR Command Post capes; led 10-mbr/$400K amp repair--secured EUCOM NC3 reachback to NCA

- Restored network outage; conducted shutdownrestore policy for 15 hr outage--established operability of ntwk

- Revamped 718 CES housing mx call ctr; integrat'd UCCX w/existing tech--spt'd 8K facs/$500M/31K WOs/yr

- Revamped comms storage; remov'd excess material/inventory--streamlin'd equip issue to 11 remote outstations

- Revamped failing COMSEC program; rebuilt SOP and continuity binder--no write ups/finding on last two inspections

- Revamped Sq CCB; ID'd 5 roles/56 rqmts--assured 332 ntwk nodes compliant/sole DoD CMAP cape config'd

- Revamped vulnerability remediation process; created 15 auto-patch groups--saved 1.2K man-hrs/yr; promote!

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- Revitalized CMD Official Records Program; trn'd over 200 CORs/RCs/Users; boosted compliance from 30% to 85%

- Revitalized regional supply depot; replaced defective ckt eqpt--spt'd trans f/2K T cargo/led to Sq '16 VK Awd

- Scruntinized lcl CM; completed 51 CR's/modified 4 sys/15 ports--enabled spt of continuous climate ops msn

- Sec'd AFSPC #1 C4 initiative; rplc'd 94K mi cabling/250 fac/18 ITN--incr'd speed 100x/$54M ntwk overhaul

- Secured comm for Australian AF LNO; installed PCN oSIP--connected Coalition CC with OEF ground forces

- Secured critical ntwk srv; eliminated severe BASH file vulnerability--closed POA&M 3 weeks ahead of sched

- Secured network ops; loaded software updates for 27 servers/84 PCs--protected 3 Coalition Forces networks

- Selected as 14WS SharePoint admin; modified 65 websites/removed 57 vul's--permitted qual svc to >56 users

- Selected as sole 3A0X1; diverse training missions/operations--provided support for 55 military/civilian cadre

- Setup/troubleshot VTC ops; provided connectivity for >100 confs--crucial information flow for HQ leadership

- Single-handedly purged 1AF network drives; id'd over 3K vulnerabilities--reduced potential loss/compromise of PII

- Spearheaded 3 Wi-Fi pgms; engr'd 199 APs/1K ft cable install--svd 467 mx-hr for 3 Cmds/19K flt hr/10K srts

- Spearheaded A3 BDSC site survey; secured land/power/access--site mission-ready for 35 AFCENT personnel

- Spearheaded PWCS acct worth $30K; equipped 10 TDY units w/ msn essential delays to training

- Spearheaded QoL wireless expansion; installed/tested 30 Metalite modems--expanded NIPR network/70 bldgs

- Spearheaded, fabricated & install'd DLA fiber run; enabled new tenant connectivity on base--beat suspense & budget

- Spt'd HIANG/AD ntwrk merger; created 150 computer accts--ensur'd connectivity for 3K Mx info sys's <24 hrs

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- Spt'd SIPR Win 7 migration; upgraded 750 PCs--standardized baseline for COMPACAF's #1 cyber initiative

- Steer'd 18 CES help desk proj; led 5-tech tm/pgm'd 16 IT sys--gear'd AF's lrgst HVAC ops/11 bases/$1B eqpt

- Steered Iraq C2 integration w/coalition COP; mx'd 5 radars/secured 168K hostile sq mi--coined by COMACC

- Steered Wg $68K VTC proj; upgd sys to fiber vs dial up--sped data xfr by 4.8K%/stabilized Wg/PACOM link

- Streamlined Sharepoint permissions; added & modified correct security groups to 65 sites--reduced footprint

- Streamlined squadron IAO program; ensured unit members were compliant--no unauthorized access permitted

- Superbly managed Time Compliance Network Order (TCNO) reporting process; ensured timely status reports

- Superior Technician; Remedied 420 network trouble tickets; answered 200+ calls--reduced work center ticket queue

- Supervis'd Jt METOC aircraft app deployment; fixed 2 critical data ingest errors--recovered 1.4M wx obs/day

- Supported 1.7K mil prsnl; closed 6.4K tickets on 4 jt svc platforms--guaranteed sister svc comm compatibility

- Supported AFGSC/CC MAFB visit; organized mobile DV suite--allowed continuous uplink to all BW/CC's

- Supported Op UNITED ASSISTANCE; linked DLA C2/staging net--expedited 49 deliveries to 4K Ebola crisis prsnl

- Sustained 310 switches/3K VoIPs/$34M networks--key mbr to USAFE-AFAFRICA Best Large Work Cntr '13

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- Tackled HQ NSA $180K comm upgrade; installed 35 racks/15 fac grounds--saved $30K vs ctr/spt'd 20K pers

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- Tackled net authentication notice; auto-populated 15K accounts/saved 250 man hrs--ready for AFNet cutover

- Tackled POL ctrl ctr outage; restored 2 vital comm hotlines--enabled 32M gals JP-8/$900K/fueled 13K srts/yr

- Tackled spt for 2K CAOC members; mitigated 147 user/sys errors--earned AFCENT A6 'Cyber Warrior of the Month'

- Taught 4-hr fiber & LAN class; certified 6 techs w/13 tasks--sustained quality ntwk installs & C4ISR msn cape

- Taught cyber security crs; techs used knowledge to fix downed climo sys--recovered 3 Iraq climo rpts for OIR

- Team lead--resolved 1.7K trouble tickets; ID'd trends/coord fix w/5 agencies--hardened 418 svrs/43K-user net

- Technical expert! Diligently scanned 200 subnets; denied use of intrusion tools--ensured network security

- Technical expert; identified/replaced defective airline in high power transmitter--restored MTE system to FMC

- Thwarted 15 CPTS database crash; reinstalled Citrix tool <24 hrs on 30 machines--saved 9K mbrs entitlements

- Trained replacement Cybersecurity Liaison IA duties; taught 34 processes--averted unit Cybersecurity shortfall

- Trained sys admins IAW DISA threat std; scanned 332 devices/ID'd & fixed 250 vul'ns--beat DoD std by 79%

- Transferred 5 alarm ckts; terminated 2.7K ft cable/12 facilities--mitigated security breaches/intrusion mishaps

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- Troubleshot 360 svc calls/resolved 150+ remotely; reduced tier two spt/wait times 60%--saved 30+ man-hrs

- Troubleshot 5 MDG bldg failure; isolated key swx malfunction--restored med facility for 6k Minot personnel

- Troubleshot 91MW/5 SFS network failure; restored downed switch--ensured protection to $5.5B PL1 assets

- Troubleshot DASR crucial outage; restored critical feed for 15K annual mil & civ flights--lauded by MSG CC

- Troubleshot four MAF outages; coord'd with commercial/local elements--restored comm to isolated facilities

- Troubleshot user rights for 92 MDG CSTs; coordinated privilege upgrade w/AMC NOSC--problem resolved

- Unsurpassed initiative! Revised outdated MTP--expedited qual; 100% task coverage/reduced upgrade time 50%

- Updated 110 web proxies to AF baseline; coord'd patch window--averted outages/resolved 25 vulnerabilities

- Updated theater-wide ntwk security cfgs; disabled vuln on 23K Windows Vista clients--eradicated DoS threat

- Upgraded 24th AF ntwk; installed 325 strands of fiber, created 450 data ckts--ensured rapid intel to warfighter

- Upgraded MAFB VTC units; new state-of-the-art systems for CP/BW/MW CCs--increased AFGSC C2 reach

- Upgraded NSA-HI ntwk infrastructure; installed 29.6K ft fiber cable--slashed $300K vs ctr, sptd PACAF ISR

- Upgraded training room; installed 14 workstations/42 RAM modules--enhanced training functionality by 70%

- Vigilant FOIA Prgm Mgr; reviewed/processed countless requests; Awd'd DoD trng cert--unauthorized dsclsr abated

- Vital tm mbr for Base Fire dept mobile radio repair; 17 LMR's fixed in house--saved AF $2.6K in repair costs Drivers sony ericsson usb devices.

- Vital to Tier-3 restoral; coordinated resolution missing critical data--recover'd 100% of wing leader's essential e-mails

- Wireless Comm Mngr; responsible for $1.7M inventory/120 units--ensured 100% accountability for sq ldrshp

Cough up some EPR bullets, you slackers!