Drivers Tomcat

  • Integrating BIRT
  • TWAIN & WIA Scanner Driver: TWAIN2.0.8121WIA2.2.1618: 20.77 MB: TWAIN-WIA DriverTomcat Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 (32/64-bit).
  • Drivers with Tomcat Introduction This document explains the steps required to use the DataDirect Connect® for JDBC ® drivers with the Tomcat JSP/Servlet engine1. These steps include: 1. Install DataDirect Connect for JDBC. Create an 'admin' user for Tomcat. Create a data source using the Tomcat Administration Tool. Generate the JSP test page.

MySQL provides standards-based drivers for JDBC, ODBC, and.Net enabling developers to build database applications in their language of choice. In addition, a native C library allows developers to embed MySQL directly into their applications. QLogic Windows Applications 10.0.0. This application supports the following adapters: QLE3532, QME8242-k, QME8262-k, QMD8262-k QLE8262, QME2572, QLE2560, QLE2562. Software prerequisites. Apache Tomcat Server: 5.5.28 for Solaris platforms; 5.5.9 for all other platforms; J2SE 5: IBM or Sun; JDBC database drivers for the Build Forge database: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers are required for use with Apache Tomcat.


Starting with the release of BIRT 3.7 the Viewer has been changed to be POJO based. All required BIRT plugins are now in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the Viewer, and the WEB-INF/platform directory has been removed. The Viewer should continue to operate as in previous versions of BIRT. More information about this change is available in the BIRT 3.7 Migration Guide.

Using Tomcat

This page explains how to deploy the BIRT viewer to a Java EE container. We'll use Apache Tomcat, since it is open source and readily available. Drivers terratec cameras. The same concepts, perhaps with different details, apply to other app servers. These instructions assume you'll install Tomcat on your own machine using the default port number of 8080.

If you don't have Tomcat installed on your system you can download it from

Birt 3.7 Note:

If you are installing BIRT 3.7 or later See BIRT POJO Viewer Tomcat Deployment.

Install the Viewer

Deploy the BIRT Viewer application. Follow these steps:

  • Download the zip file with the BIRT report engine runtime. The file is named

  • Unzip the file in a staging area.

  • Look under the birt-runtime- directory and locate the 'Web Viewer Example' directory.

  • Copy the Web Viewer Example directory to the webapps directory of your Tomcat installation. For ease of reference, rename the directory to 'birt-viewer'.

  • Stop, then restart Tomcat.

  • Display the Tomcat manager application to check that the viewer is deployed: http://localhost:8080/manager/html.

  • Verify that birt-viewer is listed as an application, then click on the birt-viewer link.
  • A page confirming that the BIRT viewer has been installed should be displayed. Click on the link labeled 'View Example' to confirm that your installation is working properly.

  • The BIRT Viewer requires that cookies be enabled.

If you choose to put the Viewer into some other location, you'll need to use a context entry within the server.xml file to indicate the deployment location. See Tomcat documentation for details.

Install your JDBC Drivers

Add the jar files for your JDBC drivers to the Viewer. Copy the driver the following directory:

BIRT JDBC Driver Location Note:

If you are installing BIRT 2 series the driver needs to be copied to directory.
If you are installing BIRT 3.7 or higher, the jdbc driver should be placed in the WebViewer's classpath (eg WEB-INF/lib).

Testing a More Complex Report

We'll test the viewer further using one of the example reports created for the 'Classic Models' database. Note that Classic Models database is included in the birt runtime distribution so no further set-up is required. Follow these steps:

  • Download the zip file with the BIRT report engine runtime. The file is named

  • Click on the following link to download the example report design, SalesInvoice.rptdesign into another browser window. Use the 'Save as..' command from the file menu to save the report into the birt-viewer/report directory.

  • If you've installed everything in its default location, then click on the following link. If you've changed anything, then copy the following URL into your browser and make the needed changes.

Drivers Tomcat Test

The report should run and appear in your browser. See Viewer Usage for information on the Viewer Operations.

Deploying to JBoss

If you are deploying BIRT version 2 series to JBoss use the following steps:

  • Download the zip file with the BIRT report engine runtime. The file is named

  • Unzip the file in a staging area.

  • Look under the birt-runtime- directory and locate the 'WebViewerExample' directory.

  • Copy the 'WebViewerExample' directory to your JBoss installation, under the deploy directory for your configuration. (eg) C:jboss-4.0.3SP1serverdefaultdeploy.

  • Rename the WebViewerExample directory to birt.war, so it will deploy in place.

  • Start up JBoss and enter the URL to BIRT (ie http://localhost:8080/birt) and run the test report.

If you are deploying the BIRT Viewer version 3.7 or later to JBoss use the directions supplied on the following link:
BIRT POJO Viewer JBoss Deployment

Other Java EE Servers

<> If you are installing BIRT 3.7 or later see these pages:
BIRT POJO Viewer Websphere Deployment
BIRT POJO Viewer WebLogic Deployment
BIRT POJO Viewer JBoss Deployment
BIRT POJO Viewer Tomcat Deployment

Table of contents

Configuring a JNDI datasource allows you to create the bridge between a JNDI resource in your Tomcat Application server and the Elements Connect add-on.

JNDI datasources use JDBC drivers that get a connection to a datasource. Once a JNDI datasource is configured, you'll be able to:

  • Browse the datasource from the field configuration tester
  • Query the datasource using SQL to feed your Elements Connect fields.

The advantages of using a JNDI datasource over a Database connection are multiple:

  • JNDI datasources use underlying Tomcat connection pool thus optimising expensive connection resources creation and a providing faster access to Elements Connect fields data
  • The direct database connection only supports 4 databases: Oracle, SQL Server, PostgresQL and MySQL. If you datasource is not in this list, there shall be a JDBC driver for it.

The configuration of a JNDI datasource is done in two steps:

  • declare a JNDI datasource in Tomcat
  • configure the JNDI datasource in Elements Connect

Download and install the JDBC driver

There are JDBC drivers for many datasources. The following drivers have been tested and are compatible with Elements Connect.

If your datasource is not listed, chances are that a JDBC driver exists: JBDC is a well-established and common standard.


PostgreSQL JDBC driver (official)


Connector/J (official)


Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server (official)

jTDS JDBC Driver (alternative)

OracleOracle database JDBC driver (official)
CSV files

csvjdbc (open source)

IBM DB2IBM DB2 JDBC Driver (official)

Add the JDBC driver to Tomcat

The first step is to add the JDBC driver in the Tomcat lib folder.

This folder is located in the Atlassian installation directory.
On Linux, the default installation directory is /opt/atlassian/jira the lib folder is /opt/atlassian/jira/application/lib

Read the official Atlassian documentation about Jira application directory.

Example with the jdbc-driver-csv

Declare the JNDI datasource in Tomcat server.xml

Locate the server.xml Tomcat configuration file.

In a standard Linux installation, this file is located under /opt/atlassian/jira/application/conf

In the server.xml file, locate the Context section (under Engine > Host):

You may have existing <Resource> entries under the <Context> section, like:

Add a new section to declare you JNDI connection - here is an example using the PostgreSQL JDBC driver:

The final file is

Each JDBC driver has its own specificities, read the JDBC driver documentation to learn more.

The important parts are:

  • name - the JNDI resource name that you will use in the Elements Connect datasource configuration - it must be unique
  • driverClassName - unique for every JDBC driver
  • url - the JDBC connection URL, usual well documentation

To learn more, read the official Tomcat documentation.

Restart Jira

To be able to use the new JNDI connector in Elements Connect, Jira must be restarted.

Once you have declared a JNDI resource in Tomcat (and restarted Jira), you can declare a new datasource in Elements Connect.

From the datasource configuration section, click on 'Create a datasource' then select 'JNDI reference'.


It will be used later to reference the datasource connector to use in the configuration of Elements Connect fields


Vasco card reader driver download. A reminder of why you are using this connector

JNDI name

Name of the resource declared in the server.xml file (see above)

Prepend the name declared in Tomcat with java:comp/env/

If the JNDI resource name is jdbc/crm-database , in Elements Connect the JNDI name will be java:comp/env/jdbc/crm-database.

The last step is to Save the configuration!

Once you have declared a new JNDI datasource, you can use it in a field configuration and query with SQL.

See Configure a field query.

Download Yuga Port Devices driver.

This section shows how to declare some drivers in the server.xml file

Sql Server



Datasource declaration in the Tomcat server.xml file:

JNDI Database configuration in Elements Connect:

NameMy SQL Server Database command
DescriptionList of command
JNDI Namejava:comp/env/jdbc/ext




Datasource declaration in the Tomcat server.xml file:

JNDI Database configuration in Elements Connect:

NameMy Client PostgreSQL Database
DescriptionList of client
JNDI Namejava:comp/env/jdbc/CRMDS



Project is hosted on GitHub.

Jar files can be downloaded from


Datasource declaration in the Tomcat server.xml file:

Drivers Tomcat Aircraft

JNDI Database configuration in Elements Connect:

Driving To Catalina Island

NameSales CSV
DescriptionList of sales
JNDI Namejava:comp/env/jdbc/sales-csv